The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161867 Message #4214891
Posted By: Helen
07-Jan-25 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: stay afloat while others don't
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't
Hi all,
I hope you had a good silly season. Happy New Year!
I caught a bit of a news item yesterday about Vitamin B6 toxicity caused by taking too much B6 so I searched for an ABC (Oz) News article and found this one from a couple of years ago.
It appears that the resulting symptoms are not picked up by many medical professionals. This article also mentions a woman who was on the keto diet, including taking various supplements and taking meal replacement shakes to lose weight and she started having some very worrying symptoms. It took a long time, and a lot of medical consultations before one of the medical professionals suggested checking her blood and found a toxic level of Vitamin B6.
I just thought it might be worth checking out, especially if anyone here is taking vitamin supplements, or other foods or drinks which include Vitamin B6, and which might increase the risk of excessive Vitamin B6 total intake. FYI, I take a Magnesium supplement with other vitamins for leg cramps which includes Vitamin B6, and now and then I take a multi vitamin, but usually not even once a week.