The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170202 Message #4215371
Posted By: and e
15-Jan-25 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: Origins: How old is The Little Fly ?
Subject: RE: Origins: How old is The Little Fly ?
The Fly
One day a fly flew pass my door It flew into the grocer store It shit in the cheese and pegged on the ham And wiped it's ass on the grocer man
Up and down it blew a-nen Went and sit on the ham again After it did it's dirty work It flew up to the lady clerk
Dremmen a-doing a-doing a-day Dremmen a-doing a dad-o Dremmen a-doing a-doing a day Ha' all for the kink a-wats and oh
Up her leg it had a-strole Had a-part of the ladies hole The lady had and said Do stop there you mighty fly
She crossed her legs and held her breath And squeezed the poor little bugger to death She crossed her legs and held her breath The day a-will to a-rass-ee-oh
Dremmen a-doing a-doing a-day Dremmen a-doing a dad-o Dremmen a-doing a-doing a day The day a-will to a-rass-ee-oh
Undated [1960s?]. Transcription of the opening song of a reel to reel tape in the Kenneth Goldstein collection. Transcription is uncertain because of the Scottish accent is a little beyond me. This seems a compilation of bawdy Scottish songs.