The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173802   Message #4215403
Posted By: The Sandman
16-Jan-25 - 04:18 AM
Thread Name: By the strands of Magilligan - RTE Documentary
Subject: RE: By the strands of Magilligan - RTE Documentary
I received this e mail from len Graham
Wed, Jan 15, 9:18 AM (23 hours ago)
to Len, liam.oconnor, Steve,, thetraditionbearer, Pádraigín, me, John

I recently was delighted to come across a long forgotten RTE Radio documentary on the Mudcat Forum. Here is some information on the documentary -
I'm sorry to say that I am the only survivor...!

Co. Tyrone man, Proinsias Ó Conluain (1919-2013) of RTE in 1975 approached me regarding some contacts for a radio documentary and I suggested Eddie Butcher (1900-80)
of Magilligan, Co. Derry. I also gave him contact details for Hugh Shields (1929-2008) of TCD Dublin, who knew Eddie and collected songs and folklore of Eddie from the 1950s. Another
old friend Jackie Devenney (1930-2024) was suggested and he in turn suggested his neighbour Dan McLaughlin, a solicitor and local historian. Here are the songs featured in the programme:-

1) The Strands of Magilligan - Eddie Butcher Roud 688

2) Magilligan - Eddie Butcher Roud 2965

3) The Mountainy Farmer - Jackie Devenney Roud 21998

4) The Faughan Side - Eddie Butcher Roud 2292

5) Tam Lin - Eddie Butcher Roud 35/Child 39

6) Dungiven Criket Match - Eddie Butcher Roud 13539

7) The Wreck of the Trader - Eddie Butcher Roud 2952

8) The Daysman - Eddie Butcher Roud 2942

9) Paddy's Green Shamrock Shore - Len Graham Roud 1419

10) The English Harvest - Eddie Butcher Roud 13468

11) The Smuggler - Eddie Butcher Roud 23482


Len Graham