The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17996   Message #4215684
Posted By: Jim Dixon
21-Jan-25 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: Songs about farm folk
Subject: Lyr Add: FARMER (Kristin Lems)
This may be the song that Susan A-R quoted from back on 11 Feb 00. It was published with musical notation for the melody line and chords, in Broadside #142, July-December, 1979, page 9. You can see a PDF at the website.

Kristin Lems, ©1979.

1. I am a farmer; been one all my life.
Call me a farmer, not a farmer's wife.
The plough and hoe left their pattern on my hand
And now they tell me this is not my land.

2. We raised two children; they are farmers too.
A crop and garden every year we grew.
Two hundred acres ain't no easy haul,
But it's a good life; no regrets at all.

3. When Joe turned 50, his back was acting up.
We three took over, so's he could rest up.
My Joe was buried where his daddy lies
And soon some men came, askin' for my price.

4. I said: “I live here; here I'm gonna stay.
What makes you think I wanna move away?”
They smiled real sly, said: "Now your farmer's dead.
The farm ain't yours 'til you pay the overhead."

5. I know we women ain't been in the know,
But we're no fools as far as farmin' goes.
The crop don't know no woman's work or man's.
There ain't no law can take me from my land.

6. ’Cause I'm a farmer; been one all my life.
Call me a farmer, not a farmer's wife.
The plough and hoe left their patterns on my hand.
No one can tell me this is not my land.
This is my land.