The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173823   Message #4215722
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
22-Jan-25 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: Whooping at Concerts
Subject: RE: Whooping at Concerts
On some Caribbean islands (way, way back in the day) one's admission ticket stub was known as an étiquette, because the house rules were in fine print on the reverse.

Classical venues might close the doors before the show starts. Just walking in and taking one's reserved seating after the curtain goes up is not allowed. Singalongs or dancing in the aisles is right out.

London or Los Angeles, Van Morrison's St. Dominic's Preview always returned more live whoops for “Belfast” than “Buffalo.” The man works his audiences like they are part of the band.

Japanese metal crowds are the most orderly folks you'll ever see entering a venue, bar none. Even the mosh pits wheel and turn in polite rank and file.

Otoh, 1964 Beatles at the Florida Gator Bowl… all one heard was “EEEeeeeeeeeeeeeEEE” then… and for days after. The security detail down in front would have preferred the usual, garden variety football hooliganism.