The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111326 Message #4216334
Posted By: GUEST,S.Sheppard Interlochen Arts Aca. 1961-65
31-Jan-25 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: John Runge - need biographical information
Subject: RE: John Runge - need biographical information
I just happened on this thread about John Runge, and thought I would throw a new slant on his career into the mix. Dr. Runge was my classical guitar teacher at the Interlochen Arts Academy in 1962.In fact, I retired my original Goya guitar for a new classical Spanish made guitar in order to study with him. He was amazing. I was the only student of classical guitar studying with him. He left Interlochen the following year I believe. He was quite wonderful. I do not remember him singing ever with the guitar. I think he was just teaching chemistry. I have never forgotten him, however.