The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161867   Message #4216443
Posted By: Helen
01-Feb-25 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: stay afloat while others don't
Subject: RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't
OMG. What a freaky coincidence!

"You don't know this music!"

Our amateur Irish/Celtic music session group has been together for over 40 years and in the last few years we have had two new members who have put the music out of sync, mainly because they don't actually like Irish and Celtic music, and they don't "get" (i.e. understand) the rhythms and feel of the different types of Irish and Celtic tunes and try to impose their musical conceptions onto the tunes to the point of ruining the actual tunes. My plea for them to rethink their understanding of the music has been, "You don't 'get' this music!"

A small few of us have broken away from the main group and started a more caring and sharing group, with good communication and negotiation, and an appreciation and understanding of the music we like to play.

I created a little motto: Music COALESCES.

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