The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173856   Message #4216533
Posted By: and e
03-Feb-25 - 08:13 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Hey Loddy Loddy /Hey Lally Lally (bawdy)
Subject: RE: Origins: Hey Loddy Loddy /Hey Lally Lally (bawdy)
Mama mama... can't you see. (after each line, the platoon says "Uh hey hey")
What the Corps has done to me.
Sat me in... uh barber's chair.
Spun me around I had no hair.

Hey loddy doddy.
Hey loddy doddy doe.
Hey loddy doddy.
Hey loddy doddy doe.

I used to wear.. my Levi jeans.
Now I'm wearin cammie greens.
I used to wear... my tennis shoes.
Now I'm wearin jungle boots.

Hey loddy doddy.
Hey loddy doddy doe.
Hey loddy doddy.
Hey loddy doddy doe.

I used to drive a Cadillac.
Now I'm humpin with a pack.
I used to drive a Chevrolet.
Now I'm humpin everyday.

Hey loddy doddy.
Hey loddy doddy doe.
Hey loddy doddy.
Hey loddy doddy doe.

Untitled MS-World document of Navy cadences retrieved November 26, 2006 from

This link doesn't work and the Internet Archive doesn't seem to have indexed the file.