The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173862 Message #4216627
Posted By: GUEST,Cori
04-Feb-25 - 12:27 AM
Thread Name: Bluegrassers in 'The Trouble With Girls'
Subject: Bluegrass 3 in 'The Trouble With Girls'
This is a really long shot, but in the 1969 Elvis Presley movie "The Trouble With Girls," a hillbilly bluegrass trio makes several appearances. Two of the performers were unfamiliar, but the tall strawberry blond man was so familiar it really bothered me. I thought I might have seen him playing with the Dillards, but I looked up members, of which there were many over the years, and played some performances on YouTube, and there were several guys who looked like him, so maybe I'm just imagining I saw him before. Many performers were credited in this movie but I can't find any mention of this trio. Thanks for any help.