The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173880   Message #4217107
Posted By: and e
12-Feb-25 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Here's to Good Old Beer, Drink It Down
Subject: Origins: Here's to Good Old Beer, Drink It Down

Here's to the good old beer---
Mop it down, mop it down.
Here's to the good old beer---
Mop it down.
Here's to the good old beer,
Thant never leaves you queer,
Here's to the good old beer,
Mop it down.

Here's to the good old whisky,
Mop it down, mop it down.
Here's to the good old whisky,
Mop it down,
Here's to the good old whisky,
That makes you feel so frisky,
Here's to the good old whisky,
Mop it down.

1933. With the Diggers 1914-1918. A rare mimeographed bound book
commemorating Australian WWI soldiers, with a selection of songs (bowderlized).

This song seems the progenitor of "The Quartermaster's Corps" which uses some
of the same rhymes... but is bawdier.