The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173880   Message #4217120
Posted By: and e
12-Feb-25 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Here's to Good Old Beer, Drink It Down
Subject: RE: Origins: Here's to Good Old Beer, Drink It Down
....The German compositors, of whom there were a
goodly number, sang their songs and glees in
good style, while the Yankee lads, not to be out-
done in this respect, sang, among other merry
strains, an original glee, the chorus of which will
be duly appreciated by all members of "The Art

"Here's success to King & Baird, drink it down, drink it down,
Where the "fat" and the "lean's" well shared, drink it down, &c, &c."

Legal Intelligencer. Friday, July 27, 1855.

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