The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173880 Message #4217131
Posted By: GUEST,Rossey
13-Feb-25 - 03:18 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Here's to Good Old Beer, Drink It Down
Subject: RE: Origins: Here's to Good Old Beer, Drink It Down
Before anyone jumps in and misappropriates or associates a song my father wrote, it has nothing to do with this similarly titled but entirely different song. My father Stewart Ross wrote an original song called Here's to Scottish Whisky in 1974. He wrote both the words and the music, and went for a line about Whisky making you frisky. This already has its own thread and lyric on Mudcat.
He wrote it for a BBC Documentary TV programme ceilidh scene, but they didn't want it. They wanted a sing a long song that people knew, so he and a few others can be seen singing Andy Stewart's Campbelltown Loch. The programme was called a dram for all seasons. Started in 1974, completed in 1975, and not broadcast until January 1st 1976 (so weirdly they put 1976 on it!)
The song went on to many compilations of Scottish tartan music. Back to the other song...