The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173796   Message #4217200
Posted By: Helen
14-Feb-25 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup
Subject: RE: Convicted felon US 47th President/ Musk Coup
MaJoC, the health of children is important. The manbaby's health - not so much, IMHO. And he is (supposedly) an adult making (supposedly) adult choices about his diet - or lack thereof. (Speaking of the manbaby, I watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit? again this week. Does Baby Herman remind you of anyone?)

Earlier this week I watched a TV documentary presented by Dr Chris Van Tulleken

That BBC article raises similar issues to those raised in that documentary and another one called What are we Feeding our Kids? which is referred to in the article.

There are a lot of chemicals and compounds in ultra processed food and a lot of the key people in the food production industry are in the business of making as much money as possible and are doing everything they can to avoid being regulated, very much like the resistance of the tobacco industry.

Donuel, pesticides are probably a big part of the problem, but ultra processed foods might be the elephant in the room.

So, RFK Jr may actually make a positive difference to the health of children. But then again, it depends how focused he remains on that issue and whether he can in fact make a positive difference or whether it just gets lost in the rest of his noise.