The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39309 Message #4217664
Posted By: GUEST,Some bloke
20-Feb-25 - 02:03 PM
Thread Name: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
Subject: RE: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
Fascinating thread (I noticed my own contribution to it too, quite a few years ago when I had a Mudcat account.)
I have a fair old collection of guitars and play a number of different styles so it’s horses for courses really, although my Rainsong OM1000 is still my go to. Other than that, my Lowden O25 is what I use for lowered tunings and my studio favourite is my Martin OM28 Marquis. My all rounder for folk clubs would be my Eastman version of a HD28, I love it. I should play the Martin OOO15M more, ditto my Terry Pack but they look nice on the wall I suppose, with some of the others that fell from favour but I haven’t got around to selling on.
But I usually rock up with the Rainsong anyway.
Wish list? I have a Fylde cittern and often muse on getting one of their Oberons. I also have a fetish for a Gibson J200. No idea why, I hardly ever strum and they are great strummers. I just wouldn’t mind one.