The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173767   Message #4217731
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
21-Feb-25 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Excellent lunch, we talked two hours, mostly politics - it was good to be in person and be able to say this stuff out loud. Handed over the shirts, much appreciated. Also talked a lot about houses, gardens, and decluttering. I think the garden needs to be larger and more diverse this year, to compensate for what's going on in the world. My friend is another one who cooks from scratch, who loves the fresh produce. I can see some visits this spring that are centered in the garden.

Big push this weekend to get eBay stuff out, and I'm going to add a bonus to the antique sewing machine I have listed, a parcel with few extra bobbins and some needles. The bobbins are harder to get for those old machines, so this might be the offer to finally make the sale.

A friend needs a ride to a computer store next week, and I looked up their reviews. They buy used computers and game consoles (what she's taking over) but they also do complimentary e-waste recycling, and I have some of that so I'll put a box in the SUV to unload over there.

Still darned cold out there, but next week will be up into the 70s again. Time to start digging and tilling that garden.