Made progress on eBay listings today, and revised one that has languished.
Probably later in the week there will be a funeral to attend for the husband of one of my university group that meets here for lunch. We knew it would happen eventually, just not so soon. He had Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), that acted like dementia, but not quite.
There's also a pending lunch date with another former co-worker, we'll set the date once the funeral is announced.
The wind gusts are really hitting the neighborhood now, since around sunset. I expect to find a few things out of place, knocked over, or possibly gone by morning.
I found a pocket-sized camera that will do the trick for my carrying around in coming weeks, and a spare battery (rechargeable lithium). I already have several spare SD cards that will go with it. The companies that used to make this size got out of the business because phone cameras have filled that niche, but one company licensed the Kodak brand and they get reasonable reviews. I should have kept my old Canon, but that's water under the bridge now.