Apparently it was a sure-enough haboob that rolled through Deming, saw video of it on a weather site. Up here, it hit hard and blew all day, but I didn't see it approach. Drifts of dirt on the patio but only one tumbleweed.
Meanwhile the too-big-for-its-britches electric company took 13 hours to restore power to my house and about 1200 others. Sheesh.
The power went out minutes after I awoke at 6:15 a.m. Made the best of it; headed to town and grabbed a friend who loves to breakfast out, caught up on her travels, then loaded the furniture from the auction in the cargo trailer with help from her and another friend, parked the big rig while we picked up two more friends for a little jaunt to Mexico. By days end, power still off, dropped in at the local social club to wait it out with yet another taco and beverage, caught up with an old friend and got to know an acquaintance much better. Don't you love days that turn out completely different than you had planned?
Blessedly, the mini-splits remembered their setting, and the house was warm when I returned. But it does make me think hard about equipping the place with solar panels and not being quite so dependent on the shabby power company.