The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155019   Message #4218499
Posted By: GUEST,RA
05-Mar-25 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Sweet Craigie Hills -- where's it from?
Subject: RE: Origins: Sweet Craigie Hills -- where's it from?
Back on 11th March 2019 I asked where I might hear Brigid Tunney singing this particular song (having heard other songs sung by her). Guest,Starship replied almost a year later, saying: "If you go to YouTube and enter her name Brigid Tunney you will have many to choose from." Well, I must have done that at the time and I did it again today, some six years on from my original question, but I still can't find Brigid Tunney singing this particular song! Anyone know where it can be heard? Thanks.