The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173767   Message #4218547
Posted By: Charmion
06-Mar-25 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Ground water is seeping up into the northwest corner of my basement and I am completely ticked off. The shop vac is deployed and the bucket and mop are handy, but my back is not up for three to four clean-up sessions per day until the wet season passes. And what in hell will I do in April, when the house goes on the market?

Must talk to Real Estate Lady soonest.

In other news, the purple bathroom is no more. It is now the same gentle duck-egg green as much of the rest of the house, and looks a thousand percent better.