The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173767   Message #4218552
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
06-Mar-25 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Your purple to duck-egg paint job reminds me I have intended to repaint the bathroom that is now hen's egg yolk yellow to something milder.

Today when I watered plants in the windows I looked out at the yard and realized the time has come to mow. The weeds are growing lush and soon will be tall, and if I start mowing now I won't have the huge jungle to battle that happens some years. Saturday is the day set aside for that. (With this first mow I have to be watchful in the front; there is occasionally a bunny nest out there.)

This week I've updated a couple of eBay listings and am planning to take down one that has attracted little interest. Goodwill time for that item. I've also done a lot of writing and am preparing to send messages to my elected representatives about their lack of participation in the democratic process that includes pushback or impeachment. You know that throw away remark of "it's always something" that one hears when describing complicated times? Now it really is. That "flood the zone" or "muzzleshot" approach is growing very old. A Slovakian friend in grad school introduced me to the saying "Not my monkeys, not my circus." Well, now it is.

Last week I bought two large multi-fish packages of tilapia that were frozen and needed careful softening so the fillets were still frozen but could be separated. I put them back in the freezer on a tray and the original packaging, to be bagged later. It worked. I just heard the trash truck drive by and realized I should have put that original wrapper in the trash today. Now it will wait in the freezer until Sunday night.