More dust storms, went on so long I had to haul in the auction furniture regardless of the high winds. Lots of cleaning done and still to do, sand and dirt everywhere, especially in the desk that had been left outside of the auction house.
It was hard on the vendors at the Deming rock show. They got hit with wind, dust, cold, til the last day which was blessedly perfect. Picked up some good items and met some wise local rock vendors/collectors. Sunday went out with visiting friends to an area adjacent to Baker Ranch agate land, and found delightful little agatey geodes. Brought the splitter, so we didn't haul home lots of duds, but were able to see what was good right then and there. Came home with one berry box full of choice ones and half a backpack full of 'other'; rather than buckets and flats of 'maybes'.
Exhausted, and it's time to start a concerted push to get the house and music system ready for the gathering, buy food etc. Just realized I really need porch lights, and not the 10-second motion ones I have. Perhaps the handy neighbor can be engaged to do a handful of electrical fixes this week.