Patty, busy week! Get up on a step ladder and look at your porch lights - if they're like mine, you can adjust the amount of time they stay on after detecting motion. The wind that hit you hard came through here, not as destructive, perhaps, but definitely wicking any warmth from the days for much of the week.
And your rock collecting gig reminds me of something similar I did at Petrified Forest; I was on a busman's holiday - a park ranger from one park spending my time off visiting another ranger in another park - and we drove to a parking area at Blue Mesa. If you look at the map you see the classic alternate public/private section land grants that were distributed to raise money for the railroads. The NPS never got the landowner to sell, so there is a lot of private land within the park boundaries, so we hiked down the hill from the parking lot and climbed through the barbed wire fence onto private land (yes, we were technically trespassing) and picked up petrified wood pieces there. The trick was walking back up the hill to the car and not looking like we were carrying 50 pounds or more of rock in each of our packs.
Trash went out this morning and I usually use a small plastic grocery bag because I recycle a lot more than I throw in the trash. For use this week the can is lined with regular kitchen-size trash bag and I'll see if I can't fill it with stuff that is sitting around and isn't recyclable or donateable. Shredded paper, plastic stuff not embossed for recycling, etc.
Also clearing out forgotten jar contents from the fridge. Olives so old I can't remember when they were opened (to the compost). Many-years-old gifted jelly (that will get dissolved into water and poured over the garden). Home canned items that have passed their prime to be discarded.