The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1337   Message #4224
Posted By: Bo Vandenberg
23-Apr-97 - 12:56 AM
Thread Name: Lyr req: Ian & Sylvia songs. Katy Dear, others
Subject: Lyr Add: FOUR STRONG WINDS^^^
Nothing but blind ambition,,,, people today (grumble)

Here's what I have

Written by Ian Tyson/Performed by Ian and Sylvia

CHO: Four strong winds that blow lonely, seven seas that run high,
All those things that don't change, come what may.
But our good times are all gone, and I'm bound for moving on.
I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way.

Guess I'll go down to Alberta, weather's good there in the fall.
Got some friends that I can go to workin' for.
Still I wish you'd change your mind, if I asked you one more time
But we've been through that a hundred times or more. CHO.

If I get there before the snow flies, and if things are looking good.
You could meet me if I sent you down the fare,
But by then it would be winter, not enough for you to do.
And those winds sure do blow cold way up there. CHO.

I actually like this sort of attention to one artist (or duo in this case)

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 23-May-02.