The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32051   Message #422689
Posted By: mousethief
21-Mar-01 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bizarre Moments in Our Times
Subject: RE: BS: Bizarre Moments in Our Times
Thanks, Kat. Fascinating. There's a foundation for everything, ain't there? This one sounds truly worthy.

And I apologize to Wolfgang, for not answering his question. I have met people who believed that science was all they needed to know, and that anything not scientific was not really knowledge. I can't give you their names, mostly because I never knew their names (and those whose names I did know, I've forgotten). These were people I talked to back when I was at the Philosophy department at the University of Illinois. Some of my fellow grad-students had this highly untenable POV. Others were people in classes I TA'd or taught, and still others were people I talked to when I was sitting "at the booth" as a member of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (we had a booth in a fairly busy corridor (off to the side so as not to block traffic, of course) in the student center from which we passed out literature, talked to people who wanted to stop and talk, that sort of thing). Several on-campus student groups would use these booths: the various communist/socialist/marxist/leninist groups, other religious groups, various ethnic student societies, etc. They had the same sort of thing at the University of Washington when I was there; I had assumed virtually all colleges/universities had a similar sort of soapbox forum.
