The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32051   Message #422700
Posted By: Naemanson
21-Mar-01 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bizarre Moments in Our Times
Subject: RE: BS: Bizarre Moments in Our Times
Esmond, what is the point of Buddhism? This is not a facetious question. It is asked as part of the discussion we are in. Granted, Bhuddists do not believe in a creator but they do have beliefs. Would you care to ennumerate them in a simple language I can understand? Then we can incorporate them into the conversation.

Alex, I didn't mean to suggest you were attacking anybody. I was just suggesting a guideline for this conversation.

Perhaps it will help if I explain where I am as regards religion. To start with, I see a distinction between religion and one's individual spirituality. Religion is the organization within which one pursues one's belief system. (Note: "belief system" does not necessarily equal "spirituality") I have been described as very spiritual but my "spirituality", if I have such a thing, does not fit into any of the organizations available. In fact the organizations, and people's actions within those organizations, bother me no end.

Science, as Alex has pointed out, does include areas that cannot be proven in the laboratory. I would add the word, "YET". If a hypothesis cannot be tested, or if only parts of that hypothesis can be tested, then it more rightly falls into the purvue of science.

If the hypothesis cannot be tested, or if it continually fails the tests applied then it does not belong in the realm of science. Belief in that hypothesis is based on faith that it is true. That is more in the realm of religion or pseudoscience than science.

Thus, telepathy has not been proven. the experiments continue. Perhaps we do not yet have the instruments to detect the event. Perhaps the atmosphere of a lab suppresses the subject's ability.

The existence, or non-existence of God has not been proven. Is there a test that will provide such proof? I hope not. I'd rather Let The Mystery Be (Musical inclusion!)

And who would want a religion proven correct? Can we even imagine the result if the Buddhists were proven correct? What would happen to the billions of devout Christians, Muslims, and others who suddenly had their life ruined by such a revelation? It is too horrible to contemplate. Of course the Buddhists would be busy teaching...
