The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32190   Message #422728
Posted By: Suffet
21-Mar-01 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: Get More Folk in New York City!!!!
Subject: RE: Get More Folk in New York City!!!!
New York Pinewoods Folk Music Club
Folk Music Society of New York, Inc.
450 7th Avenue #972
New York, NY 10123
(212) 563-4099


Contact for this event: Evy Mayer, (718) 549-1344 after 11 AM only.

For immediate release on or after March 20, 2001.
The NexTradition to Appear in Brooklyn, NY, on Friday, April 6, 2001.

High Powered A Capella Duo at Polytechnic in Pinewoods ³Folk Off-Broadway² Series.

The NexTradition, traditional a capella singers Ken Schatz and Alison Kelley, will appear at Wunsch Hall, Polytechnic University in Brooklyn on Friday evening, April 6, 2001, as part of the New York Pinewoods Folk Music Club¹s ³Folk Off-Broadway² concert series produced in cooperation with the school. The show starts at 8:00 PM sharp. General admission is $10. Pinewoods members pay only $9, and Polytechnic students will be admitted free.

The NexTradition -- called TNT for short -- can best be described as traditional music in motion. Two voices. Dangerous harmonies. Goose-bump images. Driving rhythms and roaring choruses. Born in June 1997 at the Mystic Sea Music Festival in Mystic, Connecticut, The NexTradition was christened by Heather Wood (of The Young Tradition) on the back of a beer menu a few months later.

TNT performs traditional music from North America, the British Isles, and around the world: sea songs and chanteys, Gospel and blues, work songs of the railroads, mines, prisons, factories, and fields.

Wunsch Hall, the Polytechnic University student center, is located in Metrotech Center in downtown Brooklyn, easily accessible by public transportation. The nearest subway stop is Lawrence Street on the M, N. and R lines. Ample parking is available after 7:00 PM.
