The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32198   Message #422899
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
21-Mar-01 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tavern Rites of Spring
Subject: RE: BS: Tavern Rites of Spring
Well, Matt. Pressure's on. If you're still a virgin at High Noon, we'll have to drown you in the Giant Amphora of Diana, which really ain't that bad by the way. I went through it back when I was a virgin, and once more when I achieved born-again virgin status in my mid-twenties. But with all these nymphs nipping about bedecked with diaphonous veils and so forth, I'd say you've got a damn good shot at avoiding the dreaded submersion. Follow Mick around and do what he does, but watch out for that female-gorilla stalker that's after him.

Now, it has been brought to my attention that we are running a bit low on wine, but as we have this large vat and a plentiful supply of grapes...everybody off with your sandals and into the vat! Everybody but Catspaw, that is...I don't wanna see the kind of feet he's got inside those Converse high-tops. Anyone know the Tarantella?