The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32262   Message #423059
Posted By: Whistle Stop
22-Mar-01 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: Music: Cetacean Beatle Fad Discovered!
Subject: RE: Music: Cetacean Beatle Fad Discovered!
Amos, thanks for posting this -- I had heard about this too, and think it's fascinating. I'm not an animal behaviorist, and I'm sure that people who study these things have a much more nuanced interpretation of what "culture" is in the animal kingdon (then again, they probably all disagree, just like we all disagree about "what is folk?"). But whatever you call it, this sure sounds to me like sophisticated social interaction and learned behavior. I like to think that our similarities to whales and other creatures are greater than our differences. And music is in the ear of the beholder.