The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32198   Message #423235
Posted By: GUEST,Crocus Thighs
22-Mar-01 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tavern Rites of Spring
Subject: RE: BS: Tavern Rites of Spring
Oh my, Sinsull! I do apologize. I think all that centaur chatter brainwashed small brain, mind you...heh heh. Spring fever and all.

Very bad poetry, I must say. Though technically speaking, it is a limerick...well done. ("Perhaps you are forgiven your earlier trespass," she said, wiping off the rim of the wineskin with her sap-sticky skirt...)

Nothing to drink YET; arrived in bumpy weather to sunny Clearwater, Florida. Very nauseous and dizzy and head-poundingly sick last night (good thing I DIDN'T drink on the plane!)

Much better today. Off to a small pagan gathering at a nudist camp in nearby Land o' Lakes tomorrow and Saturday!

Do I get points for REAL merrymaking with nymphs, sprites, satyrs and bacchae???

Will report back your hearts out, but in a good way, and I shall do my best to make myself worthy of your festivities...

Peg, aka Crocus Thighs