The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32268   Message #424814
Posted By: Jon Freeman
24-Mar-01 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: what musical legends have you known
Subject: RE: what musical legends have you known
I'm not sure I know what a legend is but I have never known anyone famous although I have spoken to a few well known folk performers - you do when youre involved with the running of a folk club - even small ones like Llanudno had the likes of Swarbrick, Carthy, etc in my time but that doesn't count.

The encounters with known performers I have enjoyed the most are a mostly a little selfish but I had a great time sitting up with Damien Barber playing and singing till 6am and drinking his home made wine, I was flattered by Denny Bartley asking me to kick some life into an outdoor seession for him and Chris Sherbourne, I'll never forget Sully congratulating me on my playing (OK I was buying an instruement off him but..), I played a spontanious duet (Trumpet and Sailors hornpipes) in a pub in Conwy - turned out I was playing with Richard Durrant who at the time was also playing for Sky... Small things but as a run of the mill type folky, they have been big things for me.

The person who helped me the most musically is not a known name even though she did win the All Ireland Championship on whistle. It was at a time when my confidence was very low and another musician was doing his best to destroy what remained of it. She and her partner saw what was going on and invited me back for a drink after the session. They talked aboout it, encouraged me to play with them... I owe them a lot.
