The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32268   Message #425553
Posted By: Deckman
25-Mar-01 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: what musical legends have you known
Subject: RE: what musical legends have you known
To Spud: Thanks for your posting. Bill Higley nurtured me on "Haywire Mac" songs. Do you remember: "My Druthers, Ye Olde Ballad of Something or Other (parody of Abdull the Bullbull Ameer)? I think a lot about those old days of radio. That was real, it was live, it was NOT slick, nothing was canned, what you heard was exactly what happened, bloopers and all. Today's commercial radio is awful. So again, thanks for jumping in here. I suspect that we are of the same vintage. If you promise to take care of yourself, and post often, I'll do the same. CHEERS, Bob (deckman) Nelson.