The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32432   Message #426083
Posted By: Amergin
26-Mar-01 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: how wierd is this?
Subject: RE: BS: how wierd is this?
I have seen something of this sort....several years ago we had a cat who was part manx and when we took it in, our male siamese babied him, like he did with all of the new cats....he would be mommy to them.....well Garf (the part manx) disappeared one summer night, with no trace. We all thought that some one took him for some weird ritual or for dog training......

Well, one afternoon in August I had to move a pile of rocks from one part of our yard to another.....well, being the lazy child that I was (who later grew to be a lazy man), I went looking for something that would help me to get it done with the least effort on my part as possible....well there was a wheelbarrow hanging upside down over one of our many defunct lawnmowers.....I lifted it up and there lying in the grass, was a decaying Garf.....He had been dead for a month....

Well, that night dad came home from work and du him a grave in a part of our yard that was dedicated to our late pets.....we have buried so many of them there over the years.....well, for weeks and weeks afterwards we would hear this loud carrying on, and when we would look outside, we would see our siamese standing over Garf's grave, belting out the most heart wrenching song I have ever heard....Losing Garf really tore the siamese apart....for Garf was the last cat he had ever mothered.....and his health steadily declined.....he died himself a few months later....