The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32432   Message #426150
Posted By: mousethief
26-Mar-01 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: how wierd is this?
Subject: RE: BS: how wierd is this?
Oh look, there he is! We apparently crossed in the mail.

Amos, it speaks well of you that you are able to accept criticism without blowing up. Even if you disagree with me, to accept that somebody else might have something worth saying about one's own demeanor is an all-too-rare trait these days.

Interesting what you say about materialism; I tend two be of two minds in that regard; I think it likely that all our mental states have physical analogues in our brains; and yet I believe in free will and the ability to make choices whose contents are not pre-programmed by our neurochemistry. I don't have any reason for believing either of these that you might call scientific at this point; it's largely a sense of gut feeling.

I do enjoy reading as much as I can about cognitive science and theory-of-the-mind. Currently I am reading The Feeling of What Happens by Antonio Damasio.
