Sorcha nails it!!! Good stories here gang.When Luff died, Cutter obviously missed him and was very "down" for a long time, even though we had other cats. They had been buddies all of Luff's lifetime. Interstingly though, it was Hobie who had the weird reaction.
Luff adored and owned Karen. When she went to bed, she had to lie on her left side (no other position would do) and Luff would stretch out with his head on her shoulder and purr loudly as they went to sleep. Most morning found them in the same position. On the night Luffy died, Hobie, who was distinctly MY cat, crawled into bed and assumed Luff's position. He had never done it before and he never did it again. I guess he somehow sensed that Karen needed him there on that night.
Yeah.....they're weird little animals.