The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32432   Message #426367
Posted By: JenEllen
27-Mar-01 - 04:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: how wierd is this?
Subject: RE: BS: how wierd is this?
Aw, Morty....

Remember in kat's bit about moving the kitties to the new house? It was funny to see how many people responded to the fact that the cat's environment was changing. What could be a more life-altering change than losing a core member of your social group??? I'm sure they knew in their own way. No doubt about it.

When we put Mike's dog to sleep earlier this year, we buried her while it was snowing out. She was just the kind of cantankerous old bitch you'd think wouldn't have a friend in the world, but when I got up the next morning, there was no snow on her gravesite, and Gar was covered in snow. Here was this 18yr old cat out keeping his friend 'warm' until the very end.

Those kitties may be weird, Honey, but you are too. I couldn't be happier for it.
