The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32432   Message #426523
Posted By: GUEST,Fibula Mattock
27-Mar-01 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: how wierd is this?
Subject: RE: BS: how wierd is this?
Our dog raised our cat - the cat was too young to be taken from her mother when we got her, so the dog fed her and cleaned her and carried her round in her mouth. They used to go for walks together and played together and slept beside each other. The cat never liked people - she ran from everyone and lived out with the dog. When our dog eventually got too ill to be helped and had to be put down (at the ripe old age of nearly 16) the cat didn't last much longer. She became a bit more friendly with us humans, but seemed to just give up the will to live and died not long after.