The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32467   Message #426747
Posted By: Devilmaster
27-Mar-01 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's too far?
Subject: What's too far?
Just scanning throughout the threads, and I want to ask something that has been scuttled about as side notes or arguements on other threads. (and i think has had its own thread or two).

What is too far? When do Catter's cross the line with their comments? What one person thinks is funny perhaps another thinks is rude or callous.

Should there be limits? Or should free speech (I ain't gonna say the first amendment cause I'm Canadian and American laws don't concern me.) reign supreme. I'm hoping this will be an open, honest and insightful thread. Let everyone know what you think.

If I, for example, wanted to voice my disgust at a certain musician, say Stan Rogers (if anyone knows me, they know I love Stan's music. I use it cause he died a tragic death) and I say stuff like I'm happy he's dead, etc. what do you think would be too far?

I hope this spurs some comments.....