The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32467   Message #426815
Posted By: catspaw49
27-Mar-01 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's too far?
Subject: RE: BS: What's too far?
The whole question is subjective and applies to one's desire to get along or go along or whatever. There are probably half a dozen regulars who are capapble of going over the top at times because of their somewhat perverse senses of humor or general attitude toward a topic. I am one of those. Clinton up there is another. Mousethief falls into that category at times because of his directness. Stretching a bit, you can add Wolfgang perhaps. He is often so intense in his postings, although well meaning I'm sure, that he offends assorted others. Actually, I can think of several more, but let's not go into the list.

The point is that when it happens you will generally find someone jumping the case of the offensive party, at which point either the offender apologizes or tells the group to bugger off or somehow tries to explain what they actually meant. Interesting that you mention Stan. In a recent thread, I made a tasteless joke that I have always found perverse about his death. Clinton and the entire thread jumped my ass. I was hoping to take a poke at Clinton, but it was ill-conceived and I apologized. About a week later, Clinton made one of his own infamous remarks which again was meant as humor, but he got jumped because it didn't fly on that thread. I could go on and on but what's the point?

Nine times out of ten, I stop myself from some insane remark before I post it. I bet Clinton does too, and probably every 'Catter who does go over the top, thinks about it and does the same thing. Once in awhile our judgement is wrong and if we wish to remain a part of the place, we try to make the proper reparations and apologies. I have seen Wolfgang post three of four longer posts than his original while trying to explain what he meant and his intent.

I am not picking on Wolfgang or Clinton or myself.......and if I offended them.....Sorry guys....really. But we are three who "go over" in very different ways perhaps, but we do go over. And to the credit of them, they have always made it right......and I have tried myself.

There's a responsibility on the part of any poster here, but also a responsibility on the part of a reader. If you disagree with someone you generally say so and give your opinion. The same should be true when you find something offensive. There are times that YOU may be the ONLY one who finds it offensive, but if it bothers you, perhaps it is worth mentioning........often it leads to some interesting discussions.

Bottom line though? I don't think we have too many folks around here who are mean spirited or malicious and most of us are decent folks with caring attitudes. Its waht keeps the joint the place it is.
