The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32451   Message #426895
Posted By: mousethief
27-Mar-01 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: Baby murdered in Hebron
Subject: RE: Baby murdered in Hebron
If I had to defend this act, which I don't, I would say it's not much worse than anything the Israelis have done to the Palestinians over the last 50 years. As it is, I think that shooting babies is deplorable. I thought I made that clear; obviously people with an axe to grind have a harder time understanding clear English than the rest of us.

You steal a people's homeland, force them into squatter's camps (or worse), and then shoot at them, fire rockets at their apartment buildings (I've seen the photos), close down their borders, and in every possible way treat them as animals.

And then scream and tear your hair out when they take up arms against you.

Who's the stupid one here?

Unfortunately modern Israel has shown that even the world's most horribly persecuted underdog ethnic group can become a brutal oppressor in one short generation.

You go on living in your own little dream-world, Irwin. The rest of us are starting to wake up.
