The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32451   Message #426938
Posted By: mousethief
27-Mar-01 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: Baby murdered in Hebron
Subject: RE: Baby murdered in Hebron
Okay, sorry everybody, I got a little carried away there. This post is more rational, I promise.

So let me see if I understand you, Irwin. Israel has a right to do whatever it wants to the Palestinians until America gives America back to the Indians? Yeah, sure. Everybody in the world has a right to persecute and oppress because of what the USA did to the Indians. And until the USA makes amends fully, nobody in the world can be criticized for anything they do.

Crazed, machete-wielding Tutsis slashing the Hutus to ribbons? That's okay. Look at what America did to the Indians.

Chinese crushing the culture and religion of Tibet? that's okay. Look what America did to the Indians.

Indonesians brutally murdering East Timorese? That's okay. Look what America did to the Indians.

Sinhalese murdering the Tamil in Sri Lanka? That's okay. Look what America did to the Indians.

White South Africans were keeping the blacks from voting, owning property, living where they want? That was okay. Look at what America did to the Indians.

Your logic is hard for me to get, Irwin. Two wrongs don't seem to make a right on my calculator.
