The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32432   Message #427244
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
28-Mar-01 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: how wierd is this?
Subject: RE: BS: how wierd is this?
This re-posted from an old thread...

The old Farmer's wife sat by the hearth, an old grizzled tomcat snoozing at her feet, when the door creaked open. The old Farmer entered, and he slowly sat down in his rocker facing the woman. " John!" she said," what ails thee? Your skin is pale and your eyes wide!"

The Farmer told her this story: " As I made my way home from Market this night, I was summat frighted as I approached the Churchyard, for the wind was at the trees and made them sound like spirits in the darkness. As I drew abreast o' the tombstones, I seen a strange light approaching upon the road toward me, and I hid myself among the headstones. As I peered out, the light come nearer, and I seen it was a lantern upon a pole, and it were carried by a great Black Cat! All at once I heard a kind of eerie singing, and it were coming from six other cats walking behind the black un. These six carried a golden coffin, and on the golden coffin sat a silver crown that shined in the moonlight." As the farmer spoke these words, the old tomcat that sat at his wife's feet suddenly sat up, and he stared at the Farmer with the fire shining in his eyes." John!" whispered the Farmer's wife," Do you look at Old Thomas!" The Farmer replied " I see him," and continued.

" These cats went into the graveyard not far from myself. The Black Cat stuck the lantern-pole in th' gound, and the other cats put down the casket and begun to dig. ' Poor Tim !" yowled the Black Cat. At this, the old tomcat suddenly stood up staring at the Farmer, his shackles raised and his tail in the air. The wife said " Oh John! What has come over our Thomas?" The Farmer replied " I see him, woman!" and continued.

" With mournful singing these cats then lowered the coffin into the grave, as the Black Cat held the silver crown high in the air. Then, slowly that cat turned and he begun to walk right toward me, and his eyes looked like... like.. like Thomas's eyes do now!" And it was true that the old tomcat's eyes were now as big as saucers, and he seemed twice his normal size. " And it was then that Black Cat shown me the crown and said to me in a kind of a low voice ' tell Tom Timson that Tim Thomson is dead!' At these words from the Farmer, the old tomcat began to let out a loud growl, and to grow even larger.

Suddenly, the old tomcat shouted THEN I'M KING OF THE CATS ! and he flew up the chimney and was seen no more.