The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7018   Message #42764
Posted By: Kiwi
22-Oct-98 - 01:19 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Arkansas Traveler
There's a medley that Ward Swingle did of a bunch of Americana folk songs meshed into the framework of the Arkansas Traveler. The three Arkansas Traveler verses, as I remember them, were:

Once upon a time in Arkansas
An old man sat in his little cabin door
And fiddled at the tunes that he loved to hear
Jolly little ditties that he only knew by ear
It was raining cats and doggies
But the fiddler didn't care
As he sawed away contentedly at each and every air
And though the roof was leaking bad
It sounded like a waterfall
It didn't really seem to bother the old fiddler-man at all

A traveler was walking by that day
And stopped to hear him a-practicin' away
The cabin was afloat and his feet were wet
But the little fiddler didn't really seem to fret
Then the stranger-man he said
"Man it really seems to me
That you'd better mend your roof a bit
Before you wash to sea.”
And then the fiddler-man replied
As he was practicin' away
"Y'know I couldn't mend it now
Because it's such a rainy day.”

The traveler replied "That's all quite true
But this I think is the thing for you to do
Get busy on a day that's fair and bright
And go and patch your roof up 'till it's really good and tight.”
But the fiddler-man was busy
He was practicin' a reel
He was tappin' out the rhythm
With a heavy leather heel
"Well you can get along," he said
"Because you really are a pain,
You know my cabin never leaks a drop
The day it doesn't rain!"

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 29-Jan-02.