The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32467   Message #427720
Posted By: mousethief
28-Mar-01 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's too far?
Subject: RE: BS: What's too far?
The point, however, Wolfgang, I think, is that you can be wrong about what album it's on. It's not a fact at all, but your belief (another word for opinion).

I tend to see a person's beliefs more on a continuum than in two mutually exclusive buckets labelled "fact" and "opinion."

I may feel quite certain that it's on album B, but in fact be wrong. On the other hand I can be uncertain if I'm remembering the name of the album correctly, and yet be 100% right.

Of course if you give us a reason for believing your opinion ("I just checked last night, and yes, it's on album B"), then we have more reason to think it's really true; but even so there's no complete certainty (perhaps you checked it in bad lighting, or your album cover has been damaged in some way).

Further, if you say "her best album" -- what the hell else COULD that be but an opinion? If it's a widely-held opinion, you would probably qualify it with something like, "believed by many or most critics to be her best album." Lacking this, if you use words like "best" or "most beautiful" and such -- value judgments -- I will automatically assume you're stating your opinion. What else could it be, since these things don't admit of objective verification?

So, respectfully, I must stick with McGrath.
