The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32485   Message #428001
Posted By: GUEST,Pete M at work
28-Mar-01 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: How many of us are wasting time at work?
Subject: RE: BS: How many of us are wasting time at work?
I don't waste my employers time at work, I am not responsible for their actions nor how they use their time.

Like a lot of other people above I waste an awful lot of MY time whilst at work dealing with issues that could have been avoided by the application of that ultimate oxymoron "common sense" by my employers.

As RichM and DTG have pointed out the whole concepts of 'wasted time', 'loss'(as in a fictional gap between a percieved theoretical maximum and actuality, as opposed to a real drop) 'value' and 'success' are so value laden as to be meaningless in discussing anything to do with businesses. Because an organistaion hires me to do a job does not imply that I accept or conform to their value system.

One of the perks of my job is being able to point out to "successful" organisations that measures based on much vaunted financial criteria like "performance pay" are demonstrably counter productive. Of course this is heresy and normally ignored, but that doesn't alter the figures.

Pete M