The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31350   Message #428044
Posted By: MAV
28-Mar-01 - 10:03 PM
"I thought George W. Khan was going to prevent any and all airline strikes this year? Geez, talk about your short-lived promises. There's integrity in the white house for you"

He can't and I'm disappointed. I'd like to see him tell them to go pack fudge.

"I like Mav's logic about arsenic in the drinking water. It's naturally occurring, so it's good for us"

My point was, it's not like someone is putting it in the water.

"His Republican answer: everybody in the USA can get a faucet filter"

Your disingenuous commucrat answer, force every little berg in the US to spend money they don't have to treat water, most of which will go DOWN THE TOILET or FOR WATERING THE LAWN, just so UNION THUG CONSTRUCTION WORKERS

Now there's something I'd like to see George W. Hun go down in history for: his was the presidency under which everybody had to get a water filter, because of his relaxing of the clean water regulations. I'd love that! Yeah, Mav, keep it up!

Unfortunately not everybody in the US can afford a clean water filter. But do the Republicans care if the people on the bottom rung of the economic ladder die of poisoning from their drinking water? Apparently not. Here's that compassionate conservativism we've heard so much about.

"Union thugs." I like that one. People who want a decent standard of living are thugs and RATS. People who want the rich to get richer at the expense of the poor and middle class are good, God-fearing Republicans. Where have I heard all this before? Oh yeah. Last time the Republicans were in the white house.

I also like the blind faith Mav has in the economy growing at 4%. Looked at the Wall Street ticker lately? We'll be lucky if we pull off any positive numbers at all this year.

And I see Mav has jumped on the Greenspan-bashing bandwagon. Just as foolish as giving Greenspan credit for the economic growth when we had it. The one thing we CAN give Greenspan credit for is the zero growth in working-class income. Can't let the little poeple get ahead. That's for the CEO's and Republicans like Mav. Only they deserve to share in the economic good times. Thanks, Alan, you turd.

Call me all the names you want, Mav. It's a good indicator of inability to actually reason.