The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3532   Message #428183
Posted By: Ella who is Sooze
29-Mar-01 - 04:13 AM
Thread Name: young folkies?
Subject: RE: young folkies?
Thank you darling Amergin, for explaining to me...

Well, I came over to Baltimore about 3 years ago, and I was then 25... So when I went to a bar, I was really shocked to be asked how old I was, when in the UK we can drink in bars...legally from the age of 18.

I actually got refused in a restaurant any booze because I didn't have any form of ID on me... I found it all bemusing really... And annoying, that they couldn't tell I was over 21.

I first started going to the pub in the UK, when I was 16... and only got asked for id on my 18th birthday, always was the tallest...

Oh well...