The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32451   Message #428643
Posted By: GUEST,Irwin in Israel
29-Mar-01 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: Baby murdered in Hebron
Subject: RE: Baby murdered in Hebron

According to you, peace is dependent on Israel and the United States. You leave out the Palestinians. Peace is only possible when all parties to the conflict are ready to make peace.

Last summer, the President Clinton of the United States brokered a peace deal that Israel's government under Prime Minister Barak accepted. Israel accepted many conditions under the deal that no one would have ever thought possible. Yet, it fell apart because Palestinian leader Arafat would not go along. Despite the fact that the deal would have given the Palestinians almost everything they've ever demanded.

Instead, the Palestinians reinstigated the Intifada and terrorism. This led to the fall of Barak and the election of Sharon.

There was such a great opportunity that Arafat and the Palestinians threw away. Clinton wanted to broker peace. Now Bush doesn't want to interfere. Barak was ready to make peace, now Sharon is only concerned with security.

Yes, violence begets violence. In the world of realpolitik, countries have always, and will always respond to attacks.

Israel made peace with Egypt and Jordan when those countries decided they were ready. We want to make desperately to make peace with the Palestinians. But it can olny come to pass if, and when, the Palestinians also want to make peace.

GeorgeH, with all due respect to the many Mudcatters who have participated in this discussion, statements like your's, while pretending to be of good will, are, in fact, anti-peace.

Shalom, Saalam, Peace