The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32467   Message #429279
Posted By: Skeptic
30-Mar-01 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: What's too far?
Subject: RE: BS: What's too far?

Just read the thread. Thanks. Great minds do think alike. You are obviously a shrewd and perceptive judge of character in addition to other sterling character traits I won't embarrass you by listing.


I will not give you the satisfaction of parsing your comments.

Where do I fall? Have I been lumped by you with the pedantic who don't refute points (in which case you are not just wrong, you are absolutely and totally wrong and in addition are a pig headed fool) :-).

Or do you agree with Bart's reasonable and obviously fair and impartial evaluation, in which case you too are a perceptive judge of character and have my thanks.

Nice, subtly, ironic touch on the post , btw.

On topic, (a little) what is "too far" is those people who stereotype me based on a perceived virtual persona. Then they assume that I fit their stereotype, have to believe in this and that , and proceed to blast me for things I haven't said or don't agree with because "people like me" just have to believe this or that. They absolutely refuse to accept otherwise. I don't mind a difference of opinion but when other's express "MY" opinion for me, it takes self control not to respond in kind. Defending my opinions is hard enough. Having other people tell me what my opinions are, is, for me, going "to far".

