The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32467   Message #429511
Posted By: Devilmaster
30-Mar-01 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's too far?
Subject: RE: BS: What's too far?
Peg and LL - From what Peg wrote and LL agreed with, I can no more respect you two than I would Clinton for his comments. You have just proved yourselves to be on an even keel with Clinton.

Like I said before, I believe in free speech, without reservation. I dont necessarily like what Clinton has said, but I accept it. But if you two are trying to take the 'moral highground' against him, you have really blown it. You have your own opinion, I accept that too, but you are sorely mistaken if you think you are better than Hammond.

I know for a definite fact, that Clinton doesn't give a damn what is said about him here. He doesn't take mudcat too serious, using it as a tool. Perhaps over a beer or two tonight we'll probably laugh about this, me and him.