The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5468   Message #430907
Posted By: harpgirl
01-Apr-01 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen/Raisins and Almonds
Subject: RE: Rasins and Almonds
ahh someone beat me to it! lovely lambent lullaby, though...
Subject: Raisins and Almonds
From: harpgirl
Date: 01-Apr-01 - 10:44 PM

Raisins and Almonds

(Jewish Folk Song)
english words by Sylvia and John Kolb

To my little one's cradle in the night
Comes a new little goat...snowy white
The goat will trot to the market
While mother her watch will keep
To bring you back raisins and almonds
Sleep my little one sleep

This is played using d min, A7 and g min on autoharp and is a lullaby. The melody of this song as well as the descant can be played on a recorder. The descant may also be sung as a second part.

Anyone know any more verses? hg